How Inflammation Harms Your Health

You can blame it for the pain of RA. But in heart disease and other conditions, inflammation isn't so obvious. Here's why.
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How Inflammation Harms Your Health
You can blame it for the pain of RA. But in heart disease and other conditions, inflammation isn't so obvious. Here's why.
Arthritis and Your Diet
Get the facts about which foods may help achy joints and which you should avoid.
Signs of Psoriatic Arthritis
You can get it if you've never had skin problems. Find out what to watch for.
Exercise When You Hurt
What types of workout soreness is normal? Does exercise make joint pain better or worse? Find out.
Message Board
In Denial After Diagnosis
News about her RA came as a shock -- as did the lack of understanding from loved ones.
New Guidelines for Back Pain
People with low-back pain should try drug-free remedies first before resorting to medication, according to new treatment recommendations.