Health Care, Tips
The Best Carbs You Can Eat
You need carbs for energy, but some are far better than others. We help you make the right choices -- and share a guilt-free treat.
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Friday, March 03, 2017
Weight Loss Wisdom
The Best Carbs You Can Eat
You need carbs for energy, but some are far better than others. We help you make the right choices -- and share a guilt-free treat.
Palm Oil: New Fat Under Fire
It's been replacing trans fats in many foods, including margarines and peanut butters. Here's what you should know.
Should You Try the DASH Diet?
Here's how this eating plan can help you lose weight and keep your blood pressure under control.
The Benefits of Walking
Why is it good for people with type 2 diabetes? And does brisk walking count as cardio exercise?
Tips to Lose 100 Pounds or More
Some of these tricks to lose serious weight are tried and true. Others may surprise you.
Menopause and Weight Gain
Here's the truth about "middle-aged spread" and what you can do to help keep it at bay.
Message Board
February Check-In
See how others have progressed toward their weight loss goal and share how you're doing.
From the WebMD Network
Benefits of Fish Oil, Salmon, and Walnuts
High-Fiber Foods for Your Heart and Weight
Stress Management Techniques
Expert Opinions
Diet Apps: The 1 Feature to Look For
Natural Ways to Boost Your Metabolism
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