Your Cholesterol Questions Answered

True or False? The higher your HDL cholesterol level, the greater your odds of developing heart disease.
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Cholesterol Management
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Your Cholesterol Questions Answered
True or False? The higher your HDL cholesterol level, the greater your odds of developing heart disease.
Best for Your Heart: Diet or Exercise?
If you're a middle-aged couch potato, is it better to start exercising or adopt a better diet?
Places Where Salt Hides
Cutting back on sodium may be harder than you thought. Here's what to look for.
Blood Clots: Your Body's Built-In Bandage
What tells your body to make a blood clot and where it should go?
How Triglycerides Affect Your Odds of Diabetes
High triglycerides mean that your system for turning food into energy isn't working properly.
Ways You May Be Hurting Your Heart
Traffic jams, poor sleep, even too much exercise may raise your chance of having high cholesterol and other problems.

Habits of Super-Healthy People

There's more to being healthy than just eating right and exercising. Which habit will you add to your routine?
Trouble viewing this email? View as a Webpage Tuesday, February 28, 2017
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Habits of Super-Healthy People
There's more to being healthy than just eating right and exercising. Which habit will you add to your routine?
Can Fast Food Be Healthy?
If you know what to look for, you can find smarter options that are just as satisfying.
Other Benefits of Exercise
Did you know that moving more can improve your mood as well as your blood sugar?
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Connect With Others About Diabetes
Join the conversation to get and share tips, advice, and information about the condition.
Is Diabetes Linked to UTI?
If you suffer from frequent urinary tract infections, diabetes-related nerve damage may be to blame.
High-Tech Tools for Diabetes
These apps and wearables can help monitor blood sugar, track your meals and exercise, and more.