Health Care, Tips
Warning Signs of Lung Cancer
It's the top cause of cancer deaths, and nonsmokers can get it, too. Know the 5 most common red flags.
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Monday, January 23, 2017
Women's Health
Warning Signs of Lung Cancer
It's the top cause of cancer deaths, and nonsmokers can get it, too. Know the 5 most common red flags.
Supplements for Menopause-Related Symptoms
Flaxseed for night sweats? Black cohosh for hot flashes? Find out which are safe and effective.
When Forgiving Seems Too Hard
It's not about forgetting the past. It's about finding peace. These ideas offer basic guidance.
Things That Can Damage Your Liver
Alcohol is a well-known danger. But there's evidence sugar may be just as bad. Find out what else may be harmful.
Take a Stand Against 'Sitting Disease'
Too much time on your behind can lead to serious consequences, like diabetes and premature death. Get the facts.
Myths, Facts, and Solutions for Insomnia
Can't sleep? If it happens a lot, it can lead to some serious health problems.
Are You Taking Good Care of Your Eyes?
Is reading getting harder? Do you have dry eyes from looking at a screen all day? Get tips to protect your vision.
From the WebMD Network
Your Sex Life After Baby
Paraphilias (Sexual Emotional Disorders)
What Kind of Disease Is Diabetes?
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